Westpac X Maverick & Webling

200 Women

Let's celebrate.

Westpac had a lot to celebrate: a 200th anniversary, plus reaching gender parity in upper management roles. 

Rather than simply boast, they wanted to present something that promoted others’ achievements – and were willing to leverage their strongest partnerships to achieve it.

The Listening Grounds.

Too often, our lives are filled with clutter, noise and distraction. We can miss some of the most powerful stories of struggle and success. 

We worked with creative partners Webling and Maverick to create a contemplative space that allowed visitors to quietly enjoy the diverse stories of 200 influential Australian women.


The Sydney Opera House owed Westpac a couple of favours and shared our enthusiasm for the creative. 

We now had a location partner with an amazing audience, but one that came with complexity. Along with heritage considerations, our delicate interactive displays needed to be robust enough to survive this exposed forecourt. And our touch sensitive screens needed to outshine Sydney’s summer sun.

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