CCA x Maverick

Coke Recycling

Launching new recyclable bottles.

Coke approached Maverick to help launch their new 100% recycled PET Coke and Mount Franklin bottles with an experiential activation.

Physical build with tricky tech integration? Sounds like a job for The Makers.

Recycling for the win.

In order to show the new bottles were made of 100% recycled material, The Makers and Maverick created two bespoke smart recycling bins.

The bins used colour sensing technology to scan the bottles labels and recognise if they were Coke or Mt. Franklin. If so, a custom thank you for recycling message was displayed on the inbuilt screen and an attached tablet allowed the user to enter into a competition to win 2 tickets to the upcoming football grand finals.


The bins were a huge success, with 100s of bottles recycled, and minds blown by the fact the bin knew what you had been drinking.

There were even queues after matches, as entrepreneurial kids collected and recycled as many bottles as they could.

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Client Quotes

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