Virgin x DDB

Kick to Fly

Flying footies in 12 days.

DDB came to us with an exciting opportunity with Virgin Australia. They had the opportunity to activate during the 3/4 time show of AFL games at the brand new Optus Stadium, Perth.

Naturally, we wanted an activation that merged the brand with the joy of AFL.

The best kind of spin.

Using the field side screens, we set a roulette wheel spinning around the whole stadium, displaying destinations like LA and Hong Kong, Broome and Kununurra. The participant then kicked a footy at their desired destination. An implanted GPS chip tracked the football’s flight and determined where it would have landed on the wheel. This triggered a dramatic 3D animated winning sequence on the stadium’s enormous superscreens.

12-day sprint

This engaging activation was rolled out at every West Coast Eagles and Fremantle Football Club (Dockers) game for the season, creating over 20 winners and viewed by over 400,000 people.

Not bad for a twelve day turnaround from brief to stadium installation.

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